
Microsoft Windows Embedded Partner

Nickellie recently became a member of the Microsoft Windows Embedded Partner Program (WEP). WEP offers significant technical and marketing benefits that will help Nickellie continue to deliver quality, cost-effective products and services to its clients. Microsoft Windows Embedded Partner Program is a strategic world wide program focused on providing partners with benefits such as increased business opportunity, increased market awareness, and increased technology advantage. WEP strives to present new and exciting opportunities in the embedded space, to build stronger markets for partner products and services, and to enable partners to bring their solutions to market more quickly and with greater market exposure. Watch for news of Nickellie in the embedded space in the upcoming months!

Designed for Microsoft Windows for Pocket PC

In addition, both the Nickellie Encryption Toolkit and PocketRx have been nominated for Pocket PC Magaizines's Best Software Awards for 2003! Other products for both developers and end users will be released soon. If you would like more information on our existing and upcoming products, please explore this section of the website or contact Nickellie.

Designed for Microsoft Windows for Pocket PC